Cervical cancer is largely preventable by regular screening and smear tests every 3 years are recommended for all women ged 25 to 49 years, and every 5 years for women aged 50 to 64 years. Smears are generally performed by one of our Practice Nurses. In addition, routine health checks such as Blood Pressure Monitoring as well as general advice and guidance on health issues will be given. Smear tests, however, can be carried out by the patient’s own doctor if preferred.

The purpose of a smear test is to take cells from the surface of the cervix. These are then examined under a microscope to detect changes to the cells before they become cancerous. In this way, any abnormal cells can be removed preventatively.

We strongly encourage all women who are aged 25 or over and who have been sexually active to get their first smear done when they are 25 and then to re-attend for future routine smears as determined by their last smear results (typically at three year intervals).

Written invitations are sent directly to patients when appropriate. If, for any reason, you are unable to attend an appointment we would very much appreciate you contacting the surgery to cancel or re-arrange the appointment. Other patients may benefit from the released appointment.

You will receive the results of your smear in 4-6 weeks.

There has been an increase in Norovirus cases please do not attend the practice if you have any of the symptoms. Stay at home and visit 111.nhs.uk for help with your symptoms.
There has been an increase in Norovirus cases please do not attend the practice if you have any of the symptoms. Stay at home and visit 111.nhs.uk for help with your symptoms.