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Call us: 01243 813450

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Cathedral Medical Group

Cawley Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 XT | Tel: 01243 813450

Below is our clinics and services we offer:


Advice and recommendations for people with asthma.

Family Planning

Advice on contraceptive services and safety.

Child Immunisation

Recommended vaccinations for children.

Minor Procedures

We are equipped to carry out minor surgical procedures.

Health A-Z

Use this tool to self-diagnose & help minor problems.

Diabetic Care

Advice & medication for people with diabetes.

Maternity Care

Advice and medication for women through pregnancy.

Stop Smoking

Support regarding when you decide to quit smoking.

Medicines A-Z

Use this tool to find out information on medicines.

Helpful Tips

Information on useful medicines and dressings.

Heart Disease

Advice and medication for people with heart diseases.

Cervical Screening

Advice on a range of women issues & problems.

Other Vaccinations

Advice that inicludes meningitis, flu and pneumococcal.

Medical / Certificates

Our medicals, reports & certificates.

In addition to our clinics, we also provide the following services:

  • Blood Pressure Checks: All patients treated for hypertension will be seen every 6 months by a practice nurse.
  • Minor Illness clinics : If a Pharmacist has been unable to help you our nurses can help you with Impetigo, Tonsillitis, Allergies and Acne – and lots in between.
  • Elderly Health Checks: Patients over 75 years of age are entitled to an annual health check and will be seen either at home or in the surgery by a district nursing sister.
  • Treatment Room: We offer appointments for dressings, removal of sutures, ear syringing/advice, injections/vaccinations and blood pressure monitoring.

    There has been an increase in Norovirus cases please do not attend the practice if you have any of the symptoms. Stay at home and visit for help with your symptoms.

    There has been an increase in Norovirus cases please do not attend the practice if you have any of the symptoms. Stay at home and visit for help with your symptoms.