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Cathedral Medical Group

Cawley Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 XT | Tel: 01243 813450

Infected Blood Enquiry Report

Following recent media coverage about the Infected Blood Inquiry, we understand that some people may be concerned about their own health. Please see the dedicated NHS webpage for key information about this and signposting on where to find support:...

The Patient Group Needs You!

What is the Patient Group? A Patient Group is a group of people who are patients of the surgery and want to help it work as well as it can for patients, doctors and staff. We are looking for a new chairperson and new members to join our committee. Why should I join?...

There has been an increase in Norovirus cases please do not attend the practice if you have any of the symptoms. Stay at home and visit for help with your symptoms.

There has been an increase in Norovirus cases please do not attend the practice if you have any of the symptoms. Stay at home and visit for help with your symptoms.