Patient Triage Urgent Appointments

We have had a few requests through our patient triage service recently that are classed as an emergency, we would like to remind you not to use the patient triage form in an emergency as your request will NOT be seen immediately by our receptionists. If it’s not...

COVID-19 for people who are housebound

COVID-19 and flu vaccinations for people who are housebound If you are housebound and eligible for a COVID-19 and flu vaccination, you will be contacted soon about an appointment. Healthcare teams have been vaccinating residents of care homes across Sussex and are now...

The Patient Group Needs You!

What is the Patient Group? A Patient Group is a group of people who are patients of the surgery and want to help it work as well as it can for patients, doctors and staff. We are looking for a new chairperson and new members to join our committee. Why should I join?...

Carer Discount Card

Are you eligible for the Carer Discount Card? You could be receiving exclusive offers and discounts. The cards are valid for 3 years so if you applied for one when carers support first launched them 3 years ago your card will be due for renewal. To find out how to...