Your doctor will have entered what medication you are taking onto our computer system. Each time a new prescription is produced by the computer it has a white detachable page showing your repeat items. You should keep the white part so that you can tick the items you require next time you need them. Requests for repeat prescriptions are not taken over the telephone, for medico-legal reasons, as errors can occur in verbal communication.
- Please allow three working days (72 hours) for your prescription to be processed.
- If you have more than one repeat prescription please try and order all of your items together.
- Tick which item on the request slip you require.

Login to SystmOnline to order repeat prescriptions and access information you may need.
We can send the prescription form to your home address, but please remember to enclose a stamped addressed envelope, or if you are a dispensing patient collect your medicine from our own dispensary, or have it delivered if you are housebound, or you can collect your prescription from the surgery, or you can take advantage of the prescription collection service run by local chemists. Please ask the chemist for details.
Either deliver or post your prescription form to the surgery. For the convenience of those patients who would like to deliver their repeat prescription requests during surgery opening times, we have provided a post box in reception. To avoid having to queue please post your repeat prescription requests in this box.
Please note: the repeat prescription form should be kept by the patient and not the pharmacist as this has led to mistakes in the past.
If you have any medication queries and are not sure whether you need to speak to a GP please call the surgery on 01243 813450 and choose option 2 to speak to the dispensary team.
The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is an NHS service. It gives you the chance to change how your GP sends your prescription to the place you choose to get your medicines or appliances from.
What does this mean for you?
- If you collect your repeat prescriptions from your GP you will not have to visit your GP practice to pick up your paper prescription. Instead, your GP will send it electronically to the place you choose, saving you time.
- You will have more choice about where to get your medicines from because they can be collected from a pharmacy near to where you live, work or shop.
- You may not have to wait as long at the pharmacy as there will be time for your repeat prescriptions to be ready before you arrive.
Use this link for more information. We also have a video explanation for patients, use this link to view the video.
Patients in the following categories are automatically exempt from any prescription charges: Children under 16 years, under 19 years and in full-time education, and all patients over 60 years of age.
‘Season Tickets’
It is sometimes worthwhile to buy a season ticket for pre-payment of prescription charges. You should speak to the dispenser or your Pharmacist about this service. A prescription charge is £9.90 per item. Season tickets are available for three months and for one year. This means that if you require 2 items or more on a regular basis it is definitely worth considering purchasing a season ticket for your prescription items.
Compared to the actual cost of medication, this represents excellent value.
Patients can now order their repeat prescription items over the internet. Please go to Online Services on this website to obtain further information on the registration process. If you are already registered for the service you can login here to access the online services.
Find local pharmacy information and much more at NHS Choices