The doctors, nurses and administrative staff at this surgery share a commitment to provide you with the highest standard of medical care. In particular:

  • Patients have the right to be treated courteously.
  • Patients have a right to confidentiality.
  • Doctors and Nurses will begin surgery at the appropriate time. Any delay will be due to a medical necessity. When there is a prolonged delay, patients have the right to be informed and to make an alternative appointment if they wish.
  • Patients have the right to information about their own health, particularly the illness and its treatment, the alternative forms of treatment and the likely outcome of the illness.
  • The practice will advise patients of the steps they can take to promote good health and to avoid illness e.g. smoking cessation, exercise, immunisation etc. and advice on self-help with minor illnesses.
  • The practice will inform patients of services available by means of its booklet, notice boards, leaflets and it’s website.
  • Patients with urgent medical conditions will be given priority and will be seen as soon as possible, even when this means a delay to booked appointments.
  • New patients will be offered an appointment with the practice nurse or doctor.
  • Patients aged between 16 and 75 who have not attended the surgery within the past three years are welcome to attend a consultation and will be offered the appropriate health checks.
  • Patients will be referred to a consultant/hospital acceptable to them when their GP thinks it is necessary.
  • Patients will have easy access to the practice complaints procedure.
  • Repeat prescriptions will be available within 72 working hours.
  • Patients may choose whether or not to take part in training.

With these rights come responsibilities and for patients this means:

  • Treat us with the same courtesy and respect that you expect to receive. We will not tolerate rudeness or abuse of any kind towards our staff, or violence towards anyone in the surgery or to our property.
  • Attend appointments on time or give the practice adequate notice that you wish to cancel – lateness or non-attendance inconveniences other patients and wastes appointments.
  • An appointment is for one person only.
  • Patients should make every effort to attend the surgery to make best use of nursing and medical time and ask for a home visit only if too ill to attend surgery. Lack of transport is not a reason to request a visit.
  • Repeat prescriptions should be ordered in plenty of time.
  • Calls to the emergency GP service out of hours should only be made if there is a real need and attendances at the local A & E Department made only for accidents and emergencies.
  • Patients should inform the practice if they change address or telephone number and please remember to include a postcode. It is also important for those receiving treatment at a hospital to inform them of the same changes so that our records match when we communicate with them.
  • Please do not try to pressurise staff or doctors into issuing inappropriate medications or repeat prescriptions.
  • The practice does not discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, disability or medical condition.
  • We are continually striving to improve our service. Any helpful suggestions would be much appreciated and a suggestion box is located in the waiting area.
There has been an increase in Norovirus cases please do not attend the practice if you have any of the symptoms. Stay at home and visit for help with your symptoms.
There has been an increase in Norovirus cases please do not attend the practice if you have any of the symptoms. Stay at home and visit for help with your symptoms.